Silicone Anti-foam

Antifoams produced by Ementash Company are produced with the best quality for a wide range of companies that seek to eliminate foams and foams created in their production processes.

Ementash Company antifoams:

Silicone antifoam
Fatty acid antifoam
Alcohol antifoam
Food antifoam
Specialized antifoams

To get our free consultation about this product and directly speak with our sales engineers to get the best price, please use the QR code below:

Physical Properties
emolsion liquid
Density in 20 degrees cent. (gr/cc)
02/0 ±  0/1
in 20 degrees cent. PH  10%
Viscosity in 20 degrees cent. (
Fully disperse
Antifoams produced by Ementash Company are produced with the best quality for a wide range of companies that seek to eliminate foams and foams created in their production processes.
Ementash Company antifoams include:
Silicone antifoam
Fatty acid antifoam
Alcohol antifoam
Food antifoam
Specialized antifoams